Social media isn’t exactly a new concept, but it is still transforming the way that today’s businesses are operating. Ever since social media first burst onto the scene, millions of individuals have been using social media as a way to reach out to others and connect with friends, family, strangers and loved ones from all over the globe. While many people are using social media accounts for social purposes, even more individuals are now using these accounts to grow their business.
For business owners who aren’t yet versed in the best ways to use social media as a way to interact with their future clients, they may be surprised to find that the right social media plan, managed in the right way can drastically help any business grow and get their company off the ground. Countless organizations are already using social media as part of their marketing plan, but so many entrepreneurs are failing to use social media to its full potential. The good news is, there are many things that business owners can do to not only market their company to the general public, but to actually use social media as an effective way to interact with future clients.
The right relationship with prospective clients is essential for any business that really wants to start growing their company. Even if a prospective client doesn’t turn into a major client for some time, the more a company is able to reach out to members of the public, the better off they will be. With this in mind, any business owner looking to grow their business needs to understand how to harness the power of the internet, and more importantly harness the power of social media.
These simple, yet effective steps can help any business owner start reaching out to more future clients, and eventually start securing these clients as reliable customers.
Show off the fantastic people behind your organization.
One of the first keys to success when it comes to any professional social media campaign is to make sure that your social media account is personal. Many social media users will follow professional accounts, but they still want to feel like they are engaging with someone, not just a large company with no personality. So how do you make your company’s social media page seem more personal? By showing off the people behind your company.
Make posts that showcase the people that make your organization work and the wonderful employees that cause your organization to be such a success. Highlight different employees, their talents, their interests and what they enjoy. Most importantly, you need to highlight how the company is better because of their contributions.
Make sure that you tie what that employee does into your post so that potential clients can see you have real people, with real passions, pushing your organization along and making it better. Not every post should be just about a person’s professional endeavors either. Make sure that you highlight their personal interests, out-of-work activities and milestones and accomplishments.
For example, an employee may have completed a race to raise money for a local charity. A carefully crafted post about their accomplishment, how much money they raised and who they raised it for, is a great way to bring attention to their personal accomplishments. You can also talk about this person’s professional accomplishments in the post, acknowledging not only what they do for their community, but what they do for your company as well.
Little posts like this may not seem earth-shattering when it comes to helping you get new clients, but it can really go a long way in showing potential customers the personal side of your organization.
Ask questions in order to boost engagement.
Social media accounts should be primarily social in nature, even for businesses. This means communication shouldn’t just go one way, it needs to go both ways. You need to foster a back and forth with individuals, if you truly want to keep them engaged. One of the best ways to start getting potential clients to engage with your company is to ask questions and offer some sort of reason or incentive for individuals to answer these questions.
When you make a post, encourage your followers to answer your questions in the comments section. This is a great way to start getting people to follow your posts and answer the questions that you have, and it is a great way to start picking the brains of your current and potential customers. See how they react to different types of questions and learn more about these individuals, what motivates them and what is on their mind.
However, just having potential customers answer your questions isn’t enough, you shouldn’t just stop there. Once potential clients do answer your questions, take this time to comment on their posts and start engaging with these individuals. It is one of the best ways to start building a dialogue and to create that relationship that is so important for turning a social media follower into a potential client.
When you do take the time to create posts that ask questions, it is important that you are able to follow up in this manner and that you continue to respond to answers and encourage more engagement. The more you are able to engage with your customers and begin conversations on social media, the better off you will be. This is a particularly powerful and effective tactic for Facebook and Twitter users.
Respond to all messages, public and private, quickly and professionally.
One of the things that many business owners learn early on in their social media careers is that social media quickly becomes a new way for the public to reach out to a company. Instead of just filtering questions through a website or email address, more and more customers and potential customers are using social media as a way to ask businesses questions.
If you start to see potential customers asking questions about your business on social media, make sure that you are responding, to every single one of them. You need to respond both to public and to private messages and you need to make sure you are responding in a timely manner. If someone asks you a public question, but you feel as though it deserves a longer, more private response, let them know that you are going to send them a private message with the response they deserve.
When it comes to responding to these messages, even if the questions are difficult, it is essential that you are always responding in a professional manner, even on social media.
Follow, like, share and comment on your prospective client’s posts.
Businesses who want to engage with potential clients need to remember that they can’t just expect all of their clients to reach out and start engaging with them. They need to also start making an effort as well.
Smart social media users will follow potential clients, like and comment on their posts and even share worthy posts on their own accounts. This is a great way to start building that foundational radar and to give potential clients a quick reminder of who you are.
Posting thoughtful comments on a person’s posts is one of the best ways to pay them a compliment and to encourage them to respond back. This is yet another way for businesses to start creating that dialogue and fostering that communication needed to build a sense of trust. Reaching out first and showing an interest in their social media posts is a great way to start quality engagement with any potential customer. Efforts such as this can go a long way in helping any business connect with those potential clients and turning these individuals into new, committed and dedicated customers for your business.
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