If you are about to enter into the job search field, then chances are one of the first things you will do is bring up your resume and start sending it to people. However, before you start emailing your resume to every potential employer in the market, you need to do an once-over and make sure that your resume is eye catching and up-to-date. This is about more than just making sure your current employment experience is updated, it is about removing things that make your resume seem outdated. Here are three of the biggest things that tend to make any resume seem outdated.
It Has an Objective List
About 5-10 years ago the “objective list” was a big deal in resumes. It was something that everyone was doing and something that colleges were even teaching their students. However, today the objective list is a thing of the past. If you have this on the top of your resume it can seem childish and like you are inexperienced, it also screams that you have not taken the time to read up on the latest trends in the world of resume creation.
If you still have this statement at the top of the list, remove it completely, you can use that space in much more valuable ways in other places on your document. This statement is both boring and ineffective, and your space can be better utilized by listing your actual experiences. While you’re at it, make sure you are removing words that commonly appear in the objective list such as “seasoned” and “well versed.”
The Sentence “References Available Upon Request.”
Scan your resume and make sure that you do not have this sentence anywhere on your document. If you do, then you need to remove it immediately. You should also never have this sentence on your cover letter. If a potential employer wants references from you, they will ask. This is something that is very off putting to many employers who believe you should either list your references or not.
This is another statement that was “in” a few years ago and simply takes up valuable space on your resume that you could be using in other ways. Plus, this can make you look a little presumptuous as if you have already reached this level of the job search process. Don’t include the line, but still make sure that you have your references lined up so you can give their names and contact information, should the potential employer ask.
Zero Professional Social Media Accounts Listed
In today’s digital age, it is essential that you have a professional social media account that displays your connections in the industry and more insight into your experience and past contacts. It is also important that you list these social media accounts on your resume for your potential employer to see. If you don’t have any listed, then it is time to update your account. If you have never made a professional social media account, then now is a good time to do one. Make sure you are careful about the social media accounts you are listing on your resume. Don’t send potential employers to your personal social media account that shows pictures of you drinking at the local bar on the weekend, keep your social media links professional.
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