In an industry as dynamic as internet marketing, keeping up is more than half the battle to be successful. Whatever strategy is working today very likely may not be working tomorrow and if you don’t keep up, you will be blindsided. Luckily there are many top entrepreneurs in this space who also frequently share their expertise through their blogs, social media and conferences. If you want to dominate in the field of internet marketing, you need to have your finger on the pulse of what is happening constantly and you need to be following these superstars so that you can stay in the know:
1. Neil Patel
Neil Patel is known as a legend and a rockstar in the world of internet marketing, especially in SEO (search engine optimization). He started his career as an entrepreneur at the age of 16 when he began learning marketing and then offering consulting services to other companies. Before he even reached 20 years old, he was making $20,000 per month in consulting fees. Fast forward to today and Neil has started four multi-million dollar companies and speaks around the world. He writes a blog at that happens to be one of our favorite blogs about internet marketing. The information Neil gives out for free at his blog is worth millions of dollars in revenue.
2. Shama Hyder
Shama Hyder is the founder and CEO of MarketingZen, a full service digital marketing agency. Shama burst onto the social media and internet marketing scene at a young age when she was named to such prestigious lists as the Forbes 30 Under 30 and Inc Magazine 30 Under 30. Today MarketingZen serves a prestigious list of clients and Shama speaks at events around the world. We highly recommend checking out both her blog and ShamaTV.
3. John Rampton
John Rampton is a successful serial entrepreneur in Silicon Valley plus he is also a contributing writer to Forbes, Entrepreneur, Inc and an international speaker. Most recently he is the founder of, and he writes a motivational blog on his website. John is a veteran of the internet marketing industry and was previously the editor of Search Engine Journal.
4. Murray Newlands
Murray Newlands is an entrepreneur, business advisor and speaker. Most recently, he co-founded with John Rampton (see #3). Murray is one of the sharpest minds in internet marketing, and he’s written three books about it, including Online Marketing: A User’s Manual published by John Wiley & Sons. John started his professional life as a lawyer but soon realized his true calling was in marketing and technology. He started his first creative marketing agency at just 23 years old and never looked back. Now Murray advises startups and venture capital funds, speaks, writes and appears frequently on television.
5. Gary Vaynerchuk
Gary Vaynerchuk is perhaps one of the most recognizable faces and names of social media. Not only is he the founder of Vayner Media, a creative marketing agency boasting a roster of who’s who clientele, he is also an investor (including Facebook, Twitter and Uber), best-selling author and a social media celebrity in his own right. Thousands of people tune in to Gary’s Youtube videos, live streams and blog posts to absorb his insight and expertise in online marketing.
6. Seth Godin
Seth Godin is known as a legend in internet marketing- period. He’s a New York Times best-selling author of 17 books, including marketing classics such as The Dip, Tribes and Linchpin. He’s one of the most sought after speakers in business. For anyone who is even somewhat serious about internet marketing, his blog is a must-read. Enough said.
7. Anthony Carbone
Anthony Carbone is an Instagram rockstar who is the owner of many famous accounts such as @MadWhips (1.6M followers). He is also an advisor who has helped celebrities and entrepreneurs grow their own social media presence. Anthony is now the Wolf Millionaire, where he will teach anybody how to become a social media personality and profit from it.
8. Branden Hampton
Branden Hampton is one of our favorite people in social media. He’s the largest independent social media publisher in the world. Even if you have never heard of Branden, you are probably following one of his Twitter or Instagram accounts, which have a combined following of more than 31 million followers. Among his famous accounts are @notebook on Twitter (5.6M followers), @Fitness on Twitter (2.5M followers) and @money, his personal Instagram account. Branden is a consultant to some of the biggest personalities on social media. In 2013, TheNextWeb did an article about how he makes six figures per quarter just from using Twitter.
9. Ryan Deiss
Ryan Deiss is the founder and CEO of, one of the premier education websites for internet marketers. He is also behind the hugely popular annual Traffic & Conversion Summit, which has become a gathering for the most elite of the internet marketing world. In the past 36 months, Ryan says to have invested over $15M into testing internet marketing strategies and generated tens of millions of unique visitors.
10. Mari Smith
Mari Smith is a top thought leader on social media marketing and she is often called the Queen of Facebook. Mari is a keynote speaker at conferences around the world where she shares her expertise while sharing the stage with the likes of Sir Richard Branson, the Dalai Lama, Eckhart Tolle, and Tony Robbins. She has been featured in Fast Company, Forbes, Entrepreneur and many other major media outlets.
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